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Error Formula

% Error Formula

What is % Error?

The percentage error, often written as % error or % difference, is used to describe the relative difference between a measured value and the true value of a quantity. It is a common way to express accuracy and precision in scientific and engineering measurements.

Calculating % Error

To calculate the percentage error, you use the following formula:

% Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) x 100


  • % Error is the percentage error
  • Measured Value is the value obtained from the measurement
  • True Value is the known or accepted value of the quantity being measured

The absolute value (|) is used to ensure that the error is always positive. A positive % error indicates that the measured value is greater than the true value, while a negative % error indicates that the measured value is less than the true value.

Example of % Error Calculation

Suppose you measure the length of a rod and obtain a value of 10.2 cm. The true length of the rod is known to be 10.0 cm. The percentage error in this measurement is:

% Error = (|10.2 cm - 10.0 cm| / 10.0 cm) x 100 = 2%

This indicates that the measured value is 2% greater than the true value.

Applications of % Error

Percentage error is used in a wide range of applications, including:

  • Scientific measurements: To evaluate the accuracy of experimental results
  • Engineering: To assess the precision of manufacturing processes
  • Quality control: To monitor the consistency of products
  • Data analysis: To compare different data sets

Reducing % Error

There are several techniques that can be used to reduce the percentage error in measurements:

  • Using precise measuring instruments
  • Calibrating measuring instruments regularly
  • Taking multiple measurements and averaging the results
  • Eliminating sources of error, such as environmental factors
